Inspired by Leslie Knope, a character played by actress Amy Poehler on the television series “Parks and Rec,” Galentine’s Day is a day we set aside each year to celebrate the smart, kind and beautiful women in our lives. As Leslie explained it: “Every February 13, my ladyfriends and I leave our husbands and boyfriends at home, and we just come and kick it, breakfast-style. Ladies celebrating ladies.” Different from other YWCA fundraising events, there will be no program or speaker at this event. The primary goal of this event is to raise awareness of YWCA’s mission while giving women the opportunity to socialize in a fun and welcoming environment. Breakfast will be served, mimosas poured, and a photo booth will be on hand to capture the fun. We plan to have several girlfriend-focused items to raffle as well as provide a swag bag for each Galentine to take! Interested in a sponsorship? Would you like to donate a raffle item, champagne, or swag bag fillers? Please contact Riley Appleyard at Would you like to volunteer at this event? Please contact Madison Waller at
Saturday Feb 8, 2025
Saturday February 8th, 2025 NEW LOCATION FOR 2025! Ticket: $45
Riley Appleyard
Tickets to this event are non-refundable.
Date and Time
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
10:00am - 12:00 pmLocation
Embassy Suites
Downtown Medical Center
741 N Phillips Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73104Fees/Admission
Reserved Table of 12: $540Contact Information
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